Love is power.

Learn how shamanism can help you reclaim your life.

Enter the Void

Why Shamanism?

For millennia, humans on every continent have engaged in the practice of shamanism, reaching out to the Spirit world for assistance. I practice shamanism because it works. When conventional healers could neither see nor treat my complex PTSD, shamanism helped. I could say the Helping Spirits have followed me throughout my life, saving me even when I wasn't aware I needed saving, resorting to the most extreme measures to preserve my life even when I wasn't sure I wanted that. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, PTSD, or some other life challenge, I invite you to reach out to the Helping Spirits and see what happens. For formal instruction in the five "core" shamanic methods of healing, contact the Foundation for Shamanic Studies at for courses near you. For less formal assistance, follow my blog on WordPress and learn how to  reach out to the Spirits who walk with you.

Shamanic Services

Remote Services

Because Spirit is everywhere, and everything is energy, distance matters little in some shamanic work. The first retrieval I had was effective in spite of never seeing the shaman who helped me and never divulging any personal information. The Spirits know you, and they respect both privacy and pain. Judgment isn't a part of their healing process. Acceptance is.

In-Person Support

Although all of my services can be done remotely, I prefer to do extraction work in person. An extraction is a method of removing "darts," discordant bits of energy ejected and implanted by abusive people, particularly when the subject of the attack is in a vulnerable state, such as in early childhood or other altered states (sedated or under the influence of substances or various levels and forms of hypnosis).
Power Retrievals
A journey for calling in power Allies and power lost through a "susto," or shock

Divination and Dreamwork
Connecting with Spirit to gather information and guidance

Psychopomp Work
A journey to reconnect with loved ones who have crossed over

Other Resources

National Association of Spiritualist Churches

Foundation for Shamanic Studies
If you want training, you'll find it here.

Learn from Nature.
Spirit is everywhere. Silence is not.

Wholeness Awaits

Meanwhile, sing. Loudly.

Dance until you're tired.

Find your balance.
More articles
See yourself as powerful.

Find Your Way

Shamanism relies on personal experience and individual exploration. It's about building a relationship with Spirit on a path to freedom. It's about reclaiming your own power, not riding on someone else's. It's about trusting yourself again. And isn't it about time?
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